A significant aspect of your responsibility as an event planner or organizer is to ensure that everyone attending your event is in a secure environment and secure your location. Security problems can occur in many ways with a big number of individuals collected at occurrences, ranging from terrorist threats and demonstrations to machinery mishaps and overall emergencies.
Here are 3 tips to take note of as you plan for your event to ensure a safe and secure function.
- Perform a risk assessment – As you start scheduling your event, conduct a risk assessment to recognize potential security issues. Consider your event’s attention and profile, the number of guests, the attendance of special guests, and the venue where it takes place. Take notice of your assessment and determine the amount of security you need before you approach a security provider.
- Include a security representative in meetings – Include a representative from your security provider throughout the planning phase of your event so that they are aware of the schedule, logistics and staff involved. Always give them updated information to advise on hazards and formulate a proper security plan. This includes the size of the venue, number of entrances/exits and which entrance the guests and special guests will enter from, whether the area is fenced up, as well as admittance requirements.
- Have detailed job descriptions for all staff during the event – It is extremely important for staff and security to work hand in hand and to be properly communicated. With so many people involved in the event, each individual should be aware of their duties so that safety procedures can be carried out smoothly in case of accidents or challenging security. Before the event, brief staff and security on the security plan, and highlight the key personnel in charge so that any risks can be reported to them.
These are just some points to take note of, as every event has their own set of possible hazards and security risks.
If you are keen to have Nzacksi Security securing your business or office, please contact us today and one of our advisors will be willing to help with your specific requirements. Your safety is our Priority.Click here to send us your Enquiry or to request a callback. Click here to send us your Enquiry or to request a callback.
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