Why School Security is Necessary - Security Services Cape Town

Why School Security is Necessary – Security Services Cape Town

Today, ‘safety in numbers’ has seemingly become a thing of the past and is no longer a guarantee. Children are a vulnerable population and a parent’s biggest concern is their safety. A school environment should be one that provides parents peace-of-mind, knowing that while their children are at school, they’re in safe hands.Security Services Cape Town

This specific kind of safety concern opens up the need for precautions specific to a school environment, that’s where our security company shines.

Necessary Safety Precautions

With school environments having so many factors involved, it’s hard to know where to begin. The following list is an attempt at taking the guesswork out and allow schools to focus on what they were created for. These not only create a safer environment for school children but for teachers and administrators too.

  • Securing the Perimeter – Building a perimeter around the school property is essential. Not only does it help to limit unauthorized entry onto the property, but it helps to create a feeling of safety among the children and staff.
  • Limiting Entry Points – While one central entrance is best, all entrances should be monitored, regulating visitors and students. In the case that one entry point is not possible, classrooms are advised to have locks.
  • Visitor Management – In addition to limiting entry points, a system should be set up to manage visitors to the school. This will help to control who enters, and exits, the premises. It could also help to determine the purpose of their visit and if the school is expecting them.
  • Two-Way Communication – It is necessary to ensure that all classrooms, both permanent and temporary, have an uninterrupted line of communication with the office of the school. This allows for the efficient exchange of information in the case of an emergency.

These seemingly simple, yet incredibly vital precautions proposed to highlight the need for schools to focus on safety, not only for students but for all parties involved. A school that focuses on safety as a priority will not only promote the physical health and well-being of students but will create a positive learning environment too.

If you are keen to have Nzacksi Security securing your business or office, please contact us today and one of our advisors will be willing to help with your specific requirements. Your safety is our Priority.Click here to send us your Enquiry or to request a callback. Click here to send us your Enquiry or to request a callback.

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